The ups and downs of a sensory-seeking, water-loving jumper named Bug (as recorded by his still-learning Mumma)

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Things have been very busy in Bug's World! I always tell myself I should blog and then somehow I never get to it. Part of that is because our usual routine of Wiggle nap while Mama and Bug chill out watching tv or a movie has been very disrupted. Bug has been getting too attached to movies (I mentioned this with Enchanted last post). Really, he loooooves the Disney castle and the opening song, and then is done. But he wants to watch the openings of multiple movies, which I'm less ok with. So we've been working on challenging that. Instead, we've been playing on the tablet or my phone for a while, either Angry Birds or this great app I found called "kindergarten games for kids" that has a bunch of different activities with letters, numbers, tracing, etc.

We've also been heading outside a lot more, now that spring is officially underway. Bug really enjoys reenacting the opening scene from "Frozen" (where the men are singing and cutting the ice) so we do a lot of that. I've been trying to expand that out a bit, to focus more on what we're actually doing, like walking in the water or along the edge of the ditch, etc. It's a fine line between letting him enjoy an activity and letting the activity completely consume him. We've also had a ton of success getting Bug to draw with sidewalk chalk on the driveway. He loves helping us draw pictures and write words, so we're getting in a lot of good hand-over-hand in. He's even done a little by himself! I'm glad to see some developing interest in writing!!

In OT, Frances has been re-evaluating Bug. We've been doing it slowly, over the course of a few weeks, and working together to get actual results, even if they're not standardized. This allows us to see what he's actually capable of skill-wise, rather than just how he responds to us asking him to do random things. Tomorrow hopefully Frances will have a report for me, but I was suprised and impressed with how much Bug was willing to attempt our tasks! We tried jumping, hopping, writing, building with blocks, imitating and more. He did great, it's pretty amazing to see how far he's come!
He and I wrote the number together!

Speech has been going very well. Bug has been focusing pretty well, although he struggles a bit going back with Laura. We've been out of our usual routine though, so that might have something to do with it too.

Bug hasn't been in school a ton lately. We missed two weeks (while Nana and Papa were here and then spring break), went for a week, then missed this entire week due to sickness. Still, Bug's teacher said that he showed up like he had never been gone--which surprised me because he said he didn't want to go to school. I have an IEP meeting in the beginning of May, so we are trying to decide the best course of action for next year. I'm seriously considering homeschooling him, but we need to look at all our options. It is always so hard to make these big decisions!

This post does not do justice at all to how much Bug is growing and accomplishing right now. So many good things are happening and it's wonderful to see progress all the time!