The ups and downs of a sensory-seeking, water-loving jumper named Bug (as recorded by his still-learning Mumma)

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Growing, growing, growing!

Can I just say that I wish I had time to blog more, because Bug is just dominating lately! I am so proud and so impressed with the growth and maturity I see from him.

At home:
We've been working towards a more self-sufficient and aware Bug. He can get himself into clothes on his own (handed to him) and has gotten much better about helping get his socks and shoes on (even using two hands!). I love that he'll get himself out of his diaper and throw it away--almost always without us asking too. Potty training is a big goal for once school lets out.  We're working on getting him to pick out his breakfast on his own. Mornings a lot of times are hard because Bug doesn't eat what we give him but doesn't seem to want anything offered and doesn't request anything. So I spend all morning trying to get him to eat *something* and then he's off to school only having nibbled this and that. If we don't have more luck, I might try smoothies in the morning, although I'd like to hold that card in my hand a little longer.

Bug has also been doing a great job pointing things out to us. Yesterday he noticed the neighbor, Miss Beth and said her name. He's said things like "Mommy is cleaning up" and remarking about things he sees outside and around him. It's a lot of fun.

We have had to watch him a lot because summer means more fruit, which means sneaking fruit while we're not paying attention.
This was almost a full pint, until Mommy was upstairs for a minute...
I've been trying to do more activities during the afternoon while Wiggle naps. Bug has been very responsive to my attempts (and I should note that, in and of itself, is improvement).

Most exciting, I finally got him to do some kicking! Frances and I have been working for a couple of weeks on this and racking our brains for different ways to present it. Punching balloon on ribbon for the win! He doesn't do a ton of kicking or play with it for very long, but he does seem to go to it once a day or so, and if it comes down, asks us to put it back up.

In speech, Bug is working on the verb "has". He seems to have some grasp of it, but does mix it up with "is". We hope that it comes it fast though, it seems to be so far! Bug has been working hard and working well with Laura, which is awesome! We see so much more talking from him, it's really wonderful.

OT is wonderful as always. Bug is having fun, trying hard and willing to try new tasks. We're focusing on expanding his use of the number train puzzle--we'll have him hop along it or over it, push a ball or car down it, etc. Also, we're working to get him to actually cut, not just snip with scissors. Frances moved him back to loop scissors and he was more successful, so we'll continue on that. We are hoping that once school lets out we will be able to go to OT twice a week to really dive in! We have had some chances for social. There is another little boy who comes in about halfway through our session and last week he wanted to play in our ball pit. Well Bug saw him and decided he did too, so they got some time together. Bug watched the boy climb a rope up a mat against the wall and decided to try it--funny because we've suggested it lots of times and he wouldn't ;)

So stinkin proud of this boy!

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